C1 Exam Preparation Material

This week I bought four books to help me improve my english grammar and vocabulary throughout the year, alongside the official C1 Advanced Preparation material, namely they are:

Why B2 level books alongside C1/C2 level ones? To be honest, I haven’t revised my english knowledge in a while. I mean, yes, I’m a user of the language, but you don’t need a lot of formal learning on English to get by… But talking about proper and ample usage of grammar and vocabulary, that’s another thing. Ranging from some words’ spelling, to irregular verbs and irregular plural forms… I haven’t had any sort of formal or informal education on English for at least 4 years.

As of today, I’ve complete units 1 to 18 from English Grammar in Use, unit 1 from the grammar section of Language Practice for First, and Unit 1 from the vocabulary section of the same book.

#Productivity #University #Books