About Robert

Photograph of R. Nicolas Savinelli 2023
Photograph of Robert, July 2023.

Roberto Nicolas Savinelli is a Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase & Co., and a student of the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree at Goldsmiths, University of London. He’s also a full stack developer graduate from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires (ITBA), where he was a beneficiary of the Banco Santander Technology Scholarship.

During his childhood, he attended Euskal-Echea as a social sciences student, where he graduated with some honorific mentions. Most importantly, it was during this time that he developed a passion for reading, encompassing not only general literature but also philosophy, poetry, and the classics. This fascination has profoundly shaped him as a person and influenced his outlook on life.

Class of 2016 graduates from Euskal-Echea
Class of 2016 graduates from Euskal-Echea, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2023.

Alongside these achievements, some notable titles R. Nicolas has had are:

Curriculum vitae

I firmly believe that tailoring a curriculum vitae to fit a particular job description is derogatory to the essence of the individual. It normalizes applicants by emancipating any singularity they may have on them. As a result, a document that provides a summary of my education, professional experience, some of the qualifications I’ve earned (that might be considered valuable), some selected software projects, and distinct achievements can be found here.

Download CV (PDF)

Open Source Projects

Despite the fact that I’ve written lots of programs throughout my early 20s, spanning from compilers, to web applications, I’m using this space to honour some of those that have made me become the developer I am.

Additionally, all of my open source software can be found here.

C Compiler for MINI (es_AR)

Compiler written in C for the MINI programming language using Flex and Bison documented using Backus-Naur form metasyntax notation. It was a sophomore year university project developed for the Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages course of the information systems engineering degree at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, following the informal definition of the language authored by Lic. Eduardo Zúñiga.

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Simple Wave Based Space Shooter

SWBSS was a freshmen year university project for the Informática I course of the electronic engineering degree at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. It is written in C and it uses the allegro game programming library for 2D graphics rendering, input events handling, and audio playback.

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Network Traffic

Network traffic measurement BASH script. Stores and prints how much data has been received (RX) or transmitted (TX) by reading Linux systems statistics, and calculates the delta RX and the delta TX since the previous time the cache was updated.

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LPC1769 Drivers and Primitives

Drivers and primitives written in C for the Cortex®-M3 processor, using the LPC1769 microcontroller, manufactured by NXP Semiconductors, for the Informática II course of the electronic engineering degree at Universidad Tecnológica Nacional.

Download Source

Contact information

Depending on the nature of the communication, you may want to send me an email, or a message through LinkedIn.

For encrypted communications consider using this PGP Public Key or just run:

$ curl -sL https://savinelli.com.ar/savinelli.asc | gpg --import

Fingerprint: 8A72 9272 734D D60B 0717 D451 79CB 3F42 7FB2 67F7

The social media accounts disclosed here are the only accounts I posses, no account anywhere imitating me or any of my “brands” has any association with me.